We question tradition, identify opportunity and amplify brilliance.
Ontario Nurses’ Association
Helping nurses reclaim their nobility
Helping nurses reclaim their nobility
A crumbling health-care system. Disrespected and exhausted nurses. Decades of unjust treatment, contracts and policies. The path to rebrand The Ontario Nurses’ Association started by acknowledging the uncomfortable realities in which their members lived and worked.
Public Health Agency of Canada
wellnessRevolutionizing workplace wellness
COVID-19 exacerbated a failing Canadian healthcare system, greatly impacting the mental health of all healthcare workers. Existing individual workplace solutions put extra strain on an already fragile population. Change was imperative.
Atlas Institute for Veterans & Families
veterans feel
seen and heardMaking veterans feel seen and heard
Atlas bridges the divide between research and practice to help veterans and their families get the best possible mental healthcare. The visual ethos of the brand ties to the mythic hero who carries the weight of the world, and to the reference volumes that help us find our way in the world.
Innovative Medicines Canada
for an accessible
healthcare systemAdvocating for an accessible healthcare system
IMC helps ensure Canadians get the most from leading medicines and treatments. Through storytelling and social content, Stiff boosted awareness of IMC’s role in advocating for an accessible healthcare.
Canadian Medical Association
a better future
of healthCo-creating a better future of health
CMA’s Impact 2040 strategy marked a major shift for the organization—from a focus on member service to leading major advocacy work nationwide. To build momentum, we created a narrative that captured healthcare in crisis and positioned CMA as an agent to lead change toward a sustainable, accessible healthcare system.
above your
billing classPunching above your billing class
LogiSense is the leading usage-based billing platform in the market. Until recently, the Canadian-based billing software company was viewed as a scrappy underdog in an oversaturated market. We changed that—for the better.
Capturing an interactive guide to the OpenVerse
Capturing an interactive guide to the OpenVerse
OpenText is one of the most dynamic yet unsung tech companies in Silicon Valley. We captured CEO Mark Barranchea’s vision of this evolving business and his technology philosophy—the OpenVerse—in a highly visual and interactive book inspired by images from the universe.
Canadian International Arctic Centre
Repositioning Canada’s
vibrant northRepositioning Canada’s vibrant north
Global Affairs Canada’s International Arctic Centre (CIAC) is one of the agencies responsible for implementing our country’s International Arctic Policy. We saw an opportunity for CIAC to amplify its mandate by telling the stories taking place in the Arctic.
Closing the employment gap
Closing the employment gap
This campaign targets employers and busts their myths about workforce talent with visible and non-visible disabilities. The aim: stem the workforce shortage in Ottawa and help students and graduates living with disabilities find meaningful employment.
EU in Canada
Canadians and
the EU closerBringing Canadians and the EU closer
The European Union in Canada aims to increase public knowledge and understanding of EU—Canada relations. We designed a social media strategy and brand to bolster these efforts.
SEED Winnipeg Recognition Counts
immigrantsRecognizing skilled immigrants
The SEED Recognition Counts (RC) program provides flexible, character-based loans to skilled immigrants to help with qualification recognition. To raise awareness and increase visibility of the loan program, the RC team required a tactical marketing plan that prioritized communication activities with the team’s limited internal capacity.
Ottawa Symphony Orchestra
Ottawa’s oldest
orchestraRevitalizing Ottawa’s oldest orchestra
Aging audiences. Decreasing attendance numbers. A bold move to a novel performance space. We combined these three factors to usher in a new era for the community orchestra.
Veterans Affairs Canada
Defining a
voiceDefining a veteran-centric voice
Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) had a disconnected brand and a fundamental inability to connect with over 80% of the veteran community, leading to failure in reputation. The department required a major shift in perception.
WAGE Canada
Giving voice to women and LGBTQ2+
Giving voice to women and LGBTQ2+
Equity, diversity and inclusion is more than giving people seats at the table. It is giving them the opportunity to speak. We collaborated with WAGE to help people across Canada tell their stories of equality in action.
Joan of Arc Academy
a hidden
gemMarketing a hidden gem
We helped unearth the full potential of Ottawa’s only bilingual all-girls school to increase enrollment.